
A note to Joe Biden: You ain’t Barack Obama

Joe Biden finally made some news from his undisclosed location somewhere in central lockdown Delaware. He appeared Friday on “The Breakfast Club,” where he was interviewed by Charlamagne tha God.

It was Biden’s response to Charlamagne saying he welcomed having Biden back to answer more questions as the show was closing that fanned flames at the start of a holiday weekend.

“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” Biden replied. The New York Times described it as a “testy exchange” between Biden and Charlamagne. I didn’t get that impression — both men seemed relaxed throughout the segment.

Obviously, after eight years serving as Barack Obama’s vice president, Biden thinks he’s a brother and believes he can make that kind of jocular aside on a black morning show.

What’s important is not Biden’s words, but whether he takes seriously the notion that Democratic voters want more than not-Trump.

As Charlamagne told Mediaite, “We have been loyal to Democrats for a long time. Black people have invested a lot into that party, and the return on investment has not been great.”

Charlamagne said, “Joe Biden owes black people his political life,” shortly after Biden routed Bernie Sanders in the South Carolina primary last February.

That victory breathed new life into the Biden campaign, which had a lackluster appeal in the first three contests of the primary season. And days later, Biden ran the table in Super Tuesday states.

As a surrogate for black voters, Charlamagne is right for wanting Biden to give him more than hating Trump as a reason to vote for him. African Americans, really like all voters, want specifics.

Biden cannot rest his case on having been at President Barack Obama’s side for eight years as reason enough. Shouting “Barack” when you’re talking to black radio hosts or to black voters isn’t going to magically transfer African American support and votes to Biden.

Charlamagne tha God Joe Biden
Charlamagne grilled Biden during their interview.The Breakfast Club

Black employment is up and joblessness down during Trump’s tenure (although an argument can be made that it’s a track begun under Obama).

To win, Biden needs to replicate the movement that helped him win the South Carolina primary last February. Dangling the selection of a black female running mate and promising to support a study of reparations won’t be enough.

All in all, Biden held his own while being forced to make his case for the black vote. Hats off to Charlamagne for good questions and following up on canned Biden responses.

This year’s election battle between Biden and President Trump is going to be an epic contest if both men truly fight for African-American votes.

Former New York Assemblyman Michael Benjamin is a member of The Post’s editorial board.