Letter: Apparently there is no bottom for die-hard Trump supporters

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As one who made a career of the military, I have often voiced my opinion on President Donald Trump’s unfitness for office, especially as commander in chief of the Armed Forces. My criticisms fell mostly on character issues, not policy, because good policy stems out from leadership that embraces integrity and character. If one were to write a synopsis of character traits vital to people in leadership, I hope the following might be on the list: humility, compassion, adaptability, honesty, dependability, contentment. President Trump violates all these principles on a daily basis.

Truthfully calling out Trump as a pathological liar and narcissist is futile if one thinks that this will move his die-hard supporters towards the truth. They are dug in, and inflexible, finding one excuse after another to absolve themselves from their moral breach. A moral breach here is defined as a conscious choice of an action you know to be evil, or a willful evasion of knowledge. It is supposed that Trump supporters know right from wrong, but they clearly have refused to know, and have dug their foxholes, isolating and consoling themselves with the likes of FOX News.

I was going to quote verbatim just a few of the many violations of decorum, and outright hateful and dangerous lies spewed out of the mouth of Donald Trump, but I suspect the die-hard supporters would shut off their vision, and stop reading. Others will rush to their sack of prepositioned verbal attack weapons, meant to personally demean or distract, i.e. you are fat, ugly, socialist, snowflake, fake news, and others like he said to Hillary Clinton, “You can’t satisfy your husband.”

As I said, there is probably nothing that Trump could say, or do that would stir the conscience of the die-hard supporters. Not even what he recently said, in defending his decision to pull troops out of northeast Syria, and putting the Kurds in the bullseye for mass slaughter. Trump said, “They didn’t help us in the Second World War, they didn’t help us with Normandy.” It would never enter his mind to mention that the Kurds lost 11,000 lives in fighting alongside the U.S. in our battle with ISIS.

I don’t think that unconditional support for this ungodly and vulgar behavior by the president of the United States is what is meant when we say the pledge of allegiance, “One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”

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