Democracy Dies in Darkness

Unvaccinated measles patient may have exposed 20,000 at nonstop worship event

March 2, 2023 at 9:51 p.m. EST
Christians fill the Hughes Auditorium at Asbury University in Wilmore, Ky., on Feb. 14, 2023. People prayed virtually nonstop in the auditorium when a regular school chapel spontaneously extended. Asbury has been the site of several previous well-known revivals, including in 1970. (Tim Whittaker)
3 min

About 20,000 people may have been exposed to measles during a 24-hour spiritual revival that spanned nearly two weeks at Asbury University in Wilmore, Ky., state health officials warned after an unvaccinated worshiper was found to have the highly contagious virus that causes the illness.

Thousands traveled across city, county and state lines to participate in what was called “the Asbury Revival,” which stretched from Feb. 8 to Feb. 19 at the university’s chapel. Videos shared on TikTok and Instagram showed people praying, holding hands and crying to worship music. The gathering drew national attention to the small Christian school, located about 30 minutes from Lexington.