Letter: More information on recent school hire

Letter to the editor FSA

Once again, I have to supplement a Herald news story to make sure the readers have all the facts. (July 23: “ Grand Forks School Board names Christopher Douthit as Schroeder’s interim principal ”).

First, let’s clarify one thing. Douthit is an excellent and dedicated, professional educator.

Douthit retired in 2018. The article did not mention he will receive a $100,216 early retirement bonus, and for 7-8 months he will continue to receive his estimated $4,147 monthly retirement pay while also receiving the full principal salary.

Nor does it mention the published salary is based on last year’s contract. When you add the expected increase and the $2,000 “school factor” bonus, the amount is ~$130,223. Does anyone really believe none of the 25 applicants were qualified? And, if true, why not continue to advertise?

Oh, and thanks to recent legislation, the public cannot even see who applied.


The article does not mention all contracts automatically renewed unless terminated for cause or resignation. Douthit can stay as long as he wants.

One board member who had yet to be trained in blind obedience asked, “Why are we paying people to retire when we can’t fill positions?” In what D.C. would call a gaffe (the truth) another board member opined, “Because we are afraid of the teachers.” My research indicated it is not unusual for someone to get paid their early retirement bonus and be rehired in the position they retired from.

And they retain seniority and experience factor on the pay schedule, plus receiving $45-50,000/year extra in retirement pay.

In the past four years the district has pledged $352,407 to principals for early retirement. They have agreed to pay a total of $6,164,148 to all employees. And the board has used the voter approved 10 mill building maintenance fund for new buildings that should have been approved by the voters.

Now they have a $90m deferred maintenance bill coming due. The district is currently advertising for positions in which, over the past four years, they have paid 42 teachers a bonus to retire from.

Dr. Brenner should not be blamed. At least six of the current board members have rubber stamped this fiasco over the years.

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