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Jean-Claude Juncker and Theresa May face the media in Brussels on Friday.
Jean-Claude Juncker and Theresa May face the media in Brussels on Friday. Photograph: Etienne Ansotte/EU/PA
Jean-Claude Juncker and Theresa May face the media in Brussels on Friday. Photograph: Etienne Ansotte/EU/PA

Joy and jitters: media response to Theresa May's Brexit deal

This article is more than 7 years old

Some front pages celebrate the Brussels agreement with the European Union; others warn of the hurdles ahead

“Rejoice,” cries the Daily Mail. “Mrs Softee,” is how the Daily Mirror brands Theresa May.

Newspapers in the UK have given a mixed response to the prime minister’s Brexit deal with her European counterparts that she announced in Brussels on Friday alongside the European commission’s Jean-Claude Juncker.

The FT Weekend is positive about the agreement, but tempers May’s triumph with a warning about potential problems over trade deal talks.

FT WEEKEND FRONT PAGE: 'May's triumph blunted by Tusk warning on tough choices ahead' #skypapers

— Sky News (@SkyNews) December 8, 2017

The Daily Mail is delighted with the agreement, using a photo of the “historic handshake” on the front page to celebrate the moment.

DAILY MAIL: Rejoice! We’re on our way #tomorrowspaperstoday

— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) December 8, 2017

The Daily Mirror interprets the agreement as a win for a soft Brexit, writing that the prime minister abandoned her red lines to get the deal.

DAILY MIRROR FRONT PAGE: 'Mrs Softee' #skypapers

— Sky News (@SkyNews) December 8, 2017

The Times claims Theresa May has strengthened her position as prime minister, emboldened by the agreement with Brussels.

THE TIMES: May bounces back #tomorrowspaperstoday

— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) December 8, 2017

The Telegraph highlights the the cost of the Brexit divorce bill and the continued oversight of the European court of justice on its front page.

DAILY TELEGRAPH: The price of freedom #tomorrowspaperstoday

— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) December 8, 2017

The Independent has a never-ending front page on just how much work there is to be done on the post-Brexit relationship between the UK and the EU.

Tomorrow’s @Independent front - words by @joncstone. You can subscribe to the Daily Edition app here. £1 for a month’s trial. I recommend it!

— Christian Broughton (@Christian_B) December 8, 2017

The I interprets the agreement as a victory for soft Brexit.

The Guardian writes that the battle for Brexit is just beginning, and that many challenges on the final agreement lie ahead.

A #Brexit deal is done.
Now we move to next phase of in-fighting
Tomorrow’s Guardian

— Paul Johnson (@paul__johnson) December 8, 2017

The Daily Express squeezes in a welcome for the deal alongside the weather news.

EXPRESS: Huge Brexit boost at last #tomorrowspaperstoday

— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) December 8, 2017

The Sun leads on an attack on EastEnders star Jessie Wallace but finds room to welcome the deal as a “historic agreement”.

Saturday's Sun: "Glass attack on TV Kat" (via @hendopolis) #tomorrowspaperstoday

— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) December 8, 2017

The Daily Star has little to say about the Brexit news, focusing instead on events in I’m A Celebrity … Get Me Out Of Here! ...

STAR: Jungle ‘bully’ Dennis gets record complaints #tomorrowspaperstoday

— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) December 8, 2017

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