The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

U.S. begins detaining solar panel imports over concerns about forced labor in China

Detentions follow import ban enacted by Customs and Border Protection on solar products containing materials from the Chinese company Hoshine

August 27, 2021 at 4:56 p.m. EDT
A solar power plant in Shaanxi province, China. (Qilai Shen/Bloomberg News)
4 min

U.S. officials have begun blocking the import of solar panels that they believe could be products of forced labor in China, implementing a recent ban that could slow construction of solar-energy projects throughout the country.

Industry executives and analysts said solar panels from at least three Chinese companies have been targeted in recent weeks, and a Customs and Border Protection spokesman confirmed by email that the agency has “made a number of detentions” of products under the import ban.