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CP Scott at his desk
‘What would CP Scott have made of the Guardian’s continuing equivocation,’ asks Nick Witney. Photograph: The Guardian
‘What would CP Scott have made of the Guardian’s continuing equivocation,’ asks Nick Witney. Photograph: The Guardian

Speak clearly now to dodge Brexit iceberg

This article is more than 6 years old
Brexit equivocation | Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and the Trumps | Garden bridge | Place names

In your editorial (24 December) you criticise Labour for “equivocation” over Brexit and, on the Titanic analogy, conclude that “to avoid a damaging crash, Labour needs soon to launch a lifeboat the country can get into”. If you have in mind here some clever ruse that no one else has thought of, do you not think that you should share it with the rest of us? Or if what you really mean is “Labour should come out in favour of a second referendum”, do you not think you should say so? What, one wonders, would CP Scott have made of the Guardian’s continuing equivocation on this vital issue, with shipwreck less than 100 days away?
Nick Witney
Petersfield, Hampshire

How lovely if Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe had been on Thursday’s front page, in place of the Trumps – again.
Annie Warwick
Broughton Beck, Cumbria

Am I the only one incensed by the casual mention of the loss of £46m of public money in your article on the garden bridge (‘I feel conned’: garden bridge donors plan to sue over collapsed scheme, 18 December)?
Denise Shepherd

For anyone who is tired of biblical place names (Letters, 27 December), the Land of Nod in the East Riding of Yorkshire beckons.
Patricia Whittaker
Keyingham, East Riding of Yorkshire

In the Scottish Borders we have Lamancha. Any local knights errant might be encouraged by the proposal to construct a windfarm hereabouts.
Boyd Wild
West Linton, Scottish Borders

And New York is just along the road from Newcastle upon Tyne.
Sheila Cross
Newby Wiske, North Yorkshire

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