The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

It’s a ‘magic fridge!’: Men find ice-cold beers in a field after long hours cleaning up Nebraska flood wreckage

March 21, 2019 at 6:30 a.m. EDT
Gayland Stouffer enjoys a cold one after finding the "magic fridge" in the middle of a field. ((Tanner Podraza via Facebook/Nebraska through the lens))

In its life span, the fridge had been through a fire and a flood, but from far away it didn’t look so bad. Just a small black box, lying in the middle of a wet and muddy Nebraska field.

It struck Gayland Stouffer as unusual. Stouffer wondered how it got there, as he later told the Lincoln Journal Star. Days prior, the field had been underwater, drowning in the unprecedented floodwaters unleashed on Platte River valley last week. Stouffer and his friend, Kyle Simpson, had been trudging along through the muck and the standing water in their boots and waders Sunday, walking a mile back to their car after a long day spent clearing debris and mud from Simpson’s property along the river.