‘The Witcher’ Producers Assure Gamers Netflix Series Will Include All 400 Side Quests From ‘Wild Hunt’

Image for article titled ‘The Witcher’ Producers Assure Gamers Netflix Series Will Include All 400 Side Quests From ‘Wild Hunt’

Good news Witcher fans! After months of speculation over Netflix’s upcoming production, and growing worry that major elements from the books and the Witcher games would be cut out of the show, producers have finally put those concerns to rest by assuring gamers that all 400 side quests from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be in the series. 

Thank god fans are getting the complete adaptation they deserve! 

“We understand fans’ worries about their favorite characters or quests from the Witcher games not making it into the show, but rest assured that viewers will be treated to hours of Henry Cavill killing drowners and helping villagers clear spirits from their farms,” executive producer Sean Daniel told OGN. “You won’t just see Yennefer and Dandelion, but also fan favorites like Hattori the Dumpling Swordsman and Niellen, the Blackbough hunter who lost his wife.

“We also have a great 10-minute short that’s just Geralt sitting in a chair at the Oxenfurt barber and deciding on a new hairstyle,” he added. 


Witcher completionists are sure to be thrilled that the show’s creators are dedicated to keeping intact the series’ well-known regard for immersion and worldbuilding, including hours of footage where Geralt collects white myrtle and blowball and painstakingly crafts oils and potions in preparation for some killer fight scenes. With over 3,000 spoken roles and episodes that will run between several minutes and 20 hours, it’s really everything a Witcher fan could hope for! 

“We didn’t want to disappoint anyone who was expecting to see Geralt hunt down the full Ursine armor set or meet Egill the Druid, or see a sandcrab, which is why we’ve been filming for almost four years straight to pack it all in there,” said Daniel. “Of course, it’s a risk to include a two-hour scene of Geralt hunting a Grave Hag in silence or adding an entire midseason storyline where he collects every Gwent card. But we were committed to honoring every aspect of the source material, no matter how lengthy or seemingly unrelated to the main plot.” 


Well we don’t know about you, but after hearing this, the Witcher hype is clearly real! Now let’s just hope the series honors it’s promise to show full hardcore penetration in every one of the show’s 40 sex scenes.