Man Always Taking Good Mood Out On Friends

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NORFOLK, VA—Saying how difficult it is to be around him when he’s unable to get a handle on his emotions, frustrated friends of local man James Melrose complained Tuesday that the 26-year-old is constantly taking his good mood out on them. “I didn’t do anything to make him upbeat, so it’s not really fair that I always end up getting pulled into it,” said friend Christa Daniels, noting that she consciously avoids interacting with Melrose when he appears visibly happy and often tells him to take a deep breath and come back when he’s calmed down. “Some days it’s his love life, some days it’s his work, and some days it’s probably just a personality thing. Regardless, it’s best to keep your distance when he’s getting whatever he’s going through out of his system; people only have so much patience for that kind of thing.” At press time, Melrose was seen drinking at a local bar and unleashing so much pent-up positivity on his friends that several reportedly grew irritated and walked out.