Your Guide to Tummy Time

What is tummy time? Learn the basics of this crucial activity, including when to start tummy time.

How to Practice Tummy Time

Since the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) began recommending that babies be put "back to sleep" more than a decade ago, the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has dropped drastically. But back-sleeping has led to more infants developing flat spots on the back of their skull, a condition called positional plagiocephaly. What's more, always lying belly-up can delay motor development because your baby gets less of a chance to work the muscles in their upper body.

To counteract the effects of back-lying, the AAP recommends that parents and caregivers ensure that their babies get plenty of supervised "tummy time" when awake. Tummy time is any time babies spend on their stomachs, and it helps them strengthen necessary muscles and avoid any potential risks of too much time on their backs. Read on to learn more about the benefits of tummy time and how and when to start practicing tummy time with your baby.

Why Tummy Time Is Important for Babies

Tummy time is important for promoting healthy physical development and for avoiding a flattening of the back of your baby's head. Tummy time can help your baby master basic skills (such as lifting their head and turning over) and reach key physical milestones (like sitting, crawling, and walking). Plus, it helps strengthen their back, neck, arms, shoulder, and core muscles.

When to Start Doing Tummy Time

Tummy time should start when your baby is a newborn, according to the AAP. In fact, your baby can begin supervised tummy time as soon as you bring them home from the hospital. But what is the best way to get your child used to this strange, new position?

Start by placing your baby on your chest facing you or across your lap. This will help them get accustomed to being on their belly. You can also talk softly to them, encouraging them to lift their head. Once they've mastered this position—or, at the very least, seem comfortable with the notion of being belly-down—you can move them to a tummy time mat or place them on a blanket on the floor.

One note, though: You should be mindful of when you do tummy time. For example, placing your baby on their belly right after a feeding can put pressure on the abdomen, which may cause them to spit up.

Instead, aim to do tummy-time activities when they're most awake and alert, such as after a diaper change or nap. It's also important to avoid doing tummy time when your baby is sleepy to avoid any risk of them falling asleep on their stomachs. And remember: Tummy time should always be done with supervision.

How Often and How Long to Do Tummy Time

In the beginning, newborn tummy time should consist of 3-minute sessions two or three times a day. As your baby gets older and stronger, the AAP recommends gradually increasing the length of time, working up to a total of 20 to 30 minutes a day by the time your baby is 7 weeks old.

By about 4 months, your baby should be able to lift their chest off the floor and lean on their elbows with their head upright. They may even be able to lift their arms off the floor, arch their back, and kick their feet.

As your baby stretches and pushes on the floor, they may accidentally lean to one side, fall over, and roll from their belly onto their back. Don't worry; that's normal. At 5 or 6 months, your child will begin to pivot on their belly and use their arms to reach in front of them or to the sides.

When your baby learns to make their body do new things, it can give them the confidence they need to try new skills, making tummy time important to boost future development too.

What to Do If Your Baby Hates Tummy Time

Some babies hate doing pint-size push-ups and will protest when they're placed facedown. "While on their belly, a baby has to work extra hard against gravity to keep their head up—it's strenuous," explains Henry Shapiro, MD, a developmental-behavioral pediatric specialist at All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Try to keep them on the floor for three minutes but if they refuse, just do it for a minute or two. Continue increasing and encouraging tummy time slowly. Eventually, your baby will get used to being on their stomach and start to enjoy this daily routine. "Make tummy time part of regular play, not a chore," Dr. Shapiro suggests.

Another tip? Remember that tummy time doesn't have to be done solely on the floor. Holding your baby in a front carrier or wrap also counts as tummy time, because it encourages them to use the same muscles and keeps pressure off the back of their heads. Holding your baby upright can also serve as a form of tummy time, says the American Association of Neurological Surgeons.

Tummy Time Activities to Do With Your Baby

The more fun you make the experience—with plenty of face-to-face eye contact and tummy-time toys—the less your baby will fight being on their belly. Try the following:

  • Recline on your back with your baby on your stomach. With their head facing yours, talk to your baby. They will try to lift up their head to see your face.
  • Lay your little one down on a flat, clean surface. For example, try a blanket or playmat on the floor. If your baby squirms or cries, roll up a small receiving blanket and tuck it under their chest for extra padding. A nursing pillow can also work for older babies.
  • Try different environments. Every few days, mix up where you do tummy time so your baby can explore new scenes.
  • Lie down on the floor with your baby and make goofy noises and expressions or sing songs. You might feel silly, but your actions will distract your little love bug from their tough workout.
  • Place brightly colored stuffed animals around your baby on the floor. You may notice your little one will try to reach for them. You can also hold a mirror in front of your baby to capture their attention.

How to Do Tummy Time Safely

When playing with your child during tummy time, make sure they are on a low, solid surface, so they don't risk rolling off of a couch or bed. The floor is usually the safest option, although be sure it's not a hard surface that your baby could harm their face on. A playmat may be most appropriate. Also, if you have other children or pets, make sure your littlest one is safely out of their (and harm's) way.

If your baby gets drowsy or falls asleep while on their tummy, switch them to their back for a nap. Stomach sleeping, as well as using unsafe sleep practices like leaving blankets and stuffed animals around a sleeping baby, increases the risk of SIDS.

Never leave an infant unattended on their belly, as they could get into a dangerous position increasing the risk of suffocation. Be sure to clear any blankets, stuffed animals, or toys away from your baby once it's time for sleep.

Key Takeaways

Tummy time can help your baby's physical development and reduce the risk of flat spots on your baby's head from extended periods on their back. The AAP encourages supervised tummy time starting from day one of a newborn's life. You can start with just a few minutes of tummy time, then work your way up to longer tummy time sessions of 20 to 30 minutes every day.

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  1. Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2022 Recommendations for Reducing Infant Deaths in the Sleep Environment. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2022.

  2. Diagnosis and treatment of positional plagiocephaly. Arch Craniofac Surg. 2020

  3. Tummy Time and Infant Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics. 2020.

  4. Tummy Time for a Healthy Baby. National Institutes for Health. n.d.

  5. Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2023.

  6. Positional Plagiocephaly. American Association of Neurological Surgeons. n.d.

  7. Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Among Siblings of Children Who Died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Denmark. JAMA Netw Open. 2023.

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