Justin Fox, Columnist

You Realize Covid-19 Might Come Back in the Fall, Right?

The shift from pandemic to “recurrent seasonal disease” is a big improvement, but the coronavirus could still pose major challenges when summer’s over.

Don’t lose all your pandemic hygiene habits just yet.

Photographer: Peter Powell/Getty Images

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All across the U.S., people are hugging, talking in each other’s faces, going to the office, attending indoor sports events and not wearing masks in the Walmart. Yet the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19 continues its retreat, with confirmed cases down by more than 50% over the past month.

Most of the credit for this wonderful turn of events has — correctly — gone to vaccines, with more than 60% of U.S. adults now having received at least one dose, 94% of them the BioNTech-Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines that have proved to be even more effective than their spectacular clinical-trial results indicated last fall.