Kemp: Manchin’s Voting Proposal That Abrams Supports Has Fewer Early Voting Days than Georgia Does

On Thursday’s broadcast of Fox News Radio’s “Guy Benson Show,” Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) criticized former Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams for profiting off criticizing Georgia’s voting law, then supporting Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) voting proposal that has an ID requirement and fewer early voting days than the state of Georgia does.

While discussing Vice President Kamala Harris visiting Georgia, Kemp said, “I hope she talks to small business owners here that, because of the administration, are losing out because of, really, lies that President Biden said about our voting bill that makes it easy to vote and hard to cheat. … Along with Stacey Abrams who’s profited off that and now she’s supporting Joe Manchin’s bill that has an ID requirement, less early voting days than the state of Georgia does. I mean, it’s so hypocritical.”

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