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David Assman, who was denied a vanity plate bearing his surname, wins in the end


Now he’s hauling ass.

After twice being denied a vanity plate bearing his surname by Canada’s Saskatchewan Government Insurance agency, David Assman plastered a decal of a mocked-up “Assman” plate across the back of his pick-up truck.

“Just as Sgi anticipated me appealing my denial I also anticipated them refusing my appeal ! I could have got a plate for the front but I really wanted a vanity plate on the back of my truck!” Assman wrote on Facebook along with a photo of his creation.

Assman, who was first denied the vanity plate last week, appealed to Canadian officials Tuesday and they rejected his request again.

In the end, the SGI, which reportedly deemed Assman’s request an “unacceptable slogan,” apparently had no hard feelings about the way he got around their decision.

“All’s well that ends well,” they cleverly wrote on Twitter.

News of Assman’s plate issues went viral last week with the online community recalling a 1995 episode of “Seinfeld” where character Cosmo Kramer was inadvertently issued a license plate that read “Assman” due to an administrative error. When he insisted he wasn’t “The Assman,” an unsympathetic New York City official insisted he take the vanity plate arguing, “Well, as far as the state of New York is concerned you are.”

The show ended with the revelation that the “Assman” vanity plate was intended for a proctologist.