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Businesses which purely operate within the cryptocurrency sector may not be particularly affected by Brexit, Coinbase’s UK CEO Zeeshan Feroz said. Photograph: Chesnot/Getty Images
Businesses which purely operate within the cryptocurrency sector may not be particularly affected by Brexit, Coinbase’s UK CEO Zeeshan Feroz said. Photograph: Chesnot/Getty Images

Coinbase plans for hard Brexit by opening Dublin offices

This article is more than 6 years old

London remains European headquarters of cryptocurrency exchange, but a move to Ireland is plan B

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase is opening new offices in Dublin as part of the company’s contingency planning for a hard Brexit.

The company, one of the largest members of the blockchain ecosystem, says that London will remain its European headquarters, but that Dublin’s EU membership, as well as its English-speaking workforce and diverse technology talent pool, made it the “clear choice” for a second European outpost.

“To begin with we’re housing a significant support team there,” said Coinbase’s UK CEO Zeeshan Feroz, “and we’re looking to capitalise on the talent pool that’s available to us in Ireland and hire other folks.

“It is also a plan B for Brexit. As we plan for all eventualities, it’s important that we continue servicing our customers across Europe, and Ireland would be our preferred choice there if it comes to it.”

Businesses which purely operate within the cryptocurrency sector may not be particularly affected by Brexit, Feroz said, but many of the biggest cryptocurrency companies have substantial operations that overlap with the conventional financial sector.

“Coinbase and a few other crypto businesses are essentially two businesses: they are a regulated financial service provider – we have an e-money license with the FCA – and on the other half they provide crypto services. And clearly as a regulated financial institution, if we don’t have access to passporting, we have to look for alternatives.”

The news of yet another business preparing to shift operations out of the UK could come as a blow to the government. The potential loss of a leading light of the blockchain sector could hit particularly hard, with the traditional financial industry’s problems with Brexit well-established.

The chancellor, Philip Hammond, has even staked his hopes on the sector to solve the thorny issue of the Irish border, telling the Conservative party conference that “there is technology becoming available” to solve the issue. “I don’t claim to be an expert on it but the most obvious technology is blockchain,” Hammond said.

Feroz expressed some hope that Brexit could make the UK more appealing to pure crypto companies, which did not need to do business with the rest of the world through the traditional financial system. “I am of the view today that there is an opportunity for Britain post-Brexit to perhaps take the lead” in offering “balanced regulation” for the sector. “In general, and outside of Brexit, I think crypto should be regulated as a service. There’s businesses out there like ours that handle billions of dollars or pounds every day.”

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