Read a preview of Orc Stain, the best-looking fantasy comic being published

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Every time James Stokoe releases a new issue of Orc Stain, there ought to be an unofficial global holiday during which everyone across the planet takes the day off to admire the comic's gobsmacking line work. This insane fantasy warfare comic only comes out once in a while, but it's worth it and then some. Courtesy of Image Comics, here's a nine-page preview of next week's issue, with an exclusive first look at several new pages.

In a nutshell, Orc Stain takes place in a realm with no humans and an entire orcish economy based on severed orc penises.


The comic follows a mysterious one-eyed orc who defeats his opponents using the power of geometry. He's currently being followed by Bowie, a raven-haired "poison thrower" whose chemical concoctions make her opponents spontaneously combust. There's also a cast of orcish thousands, who die with comical ease.


Orc Stain #7 hits comic shops Wednesday, February 29. Here's the plot synopsis, and someone green light Stokoe's Godzilla and Spider-Man in Vietnam pitches while we're at it:


Orc Stain #7

Hoping to evade the bulk of the Orc Tzar's invading mob, One-Eye and his companions decide to make a break for the ancient mountainside stronghold of Rekanda Tor. Only a vicious army of the enigmatic Beard's poison throwing Shakatuu stand in their way.


You can see more jaw-dropping sketch work at Stokoe's blog.
