
Today: Homeless in America

Why we’re sharing stories about homelessness today.
Julie Jacobson/AP

City officials in Philadelphia recently announced a “text-to-give” campaign to encourage residents to stop giving money to panhandlers. Instead of dropping change or a dollar bill into a homeless person’s cup at a stoplight or sidewalk, residents were encouraged to text a number to donate $5 to the Mayor’s Fund to End Homelessness, where their money would go toward social services, jobs, and housing programs.

More funding for social services is a great idea, but some details were left unclear. Should you text-to-give right in front of the homeless individual who has just asked you for change, or wait until you’re a block away? Can you explain to him or her exactly why you’ve chosen to text financial support to the city rather than provide cash, which you fear they would spend on drugs or alcohol? That part is up to you. But the message is clear: Don’t encourage them.