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Atlantic Interviews

The Body Is Made Up of an Entire World

Mar 29, 2017 | 34 videos
Video by thegatesnotes

In I Contain Multitudes, Atlantic writer Ed Yong synthesizes hundreds of papers to dispel the fear of microbes. Only a small amount of microbes have the ability to make us sick. The other hundreds of thousands of species live symbiotically within us.  “We have been tilting at microbes for too long,” says Yong. “And created a world that is hostile to the ones we need.” Bill Gates sits down with Yong to discuss the new book and the fascinating microbiome.

Yong’s I Contain Multitudes is a New York Times Bestseller. To learn more of Gates’ impression of the book, visit his article on gatesnotes, “You Should Appreciate Germs”.

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Author: Ed Yong

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Conversations with Atlantic authors and leaders in politics, business, and culture