This Week, It's All Peaches and Tomatoes

Stone fruits and tomatoes are both at their peak, why not get your fill of both in one flavor-packed summer week?
Image may contain Food Dish Meal and Lunch
Tomato-Peach Salad with Tofu CreamPhoto by Christopher Testani
Monday: A New Twist on Tomato Toast

Just a few slices of peaches and a slab of fresh mozzarella transform a typical tomato toast into the perfect light dinner. Feel free to make yourself a double.

Tuesday: A Soup That Beats Any Gazpacho

Blend in some peach with your tomato to balance out tomato tang with stone-fruit sweetness.

Wednesday: Instant Summer Luxury

Peaches' close cousins, nectarines, get honeyed and luscious on the grill alongside scallops—perfect alongside a southwest-style salsa.

Thursday: The Prettiest Summer Salad

A swipe of super-easy tofu cream adds mild richness to this picture-perfect salad. It's even better alongside a few pieces of roasted or grilled chicken or fish.

Friday: A Tangy-Sweet Finish to the Week

Reward yourself for a week well done with these juicy chops, paired with an equally juicy summer relish.