Power recap: Don't Go

After their breakup, the stakes get higher for Ghost and Angela

Photo: Jessica Miglio

You could color me indifferent when last week’s episode of Power ended with Ghost breaking up with Angela. Yes, he ended the relationship to protect his lover from Serbian drug lord (and rumored cannibal) Milan, but I’ve never really bought into the great love story of Jamie “Ghost” St. Patrick and Angela Valdes.

The writers of Power have always been savvy in how they’ve framed Jamie and Angela. The former high-school lovers live in a bubble of candy-coated memories while their respective worlds fall apart around them. Jamie has insisted he’s no longer “Ghost” — the murderous, cutthroat drug lord — but his actions over the past three seasons have proven otherwise. Angela, who has witnessed Ghost’s lies and double-crossing ways firsthand, has compromised not only her morality but also her own career to cover for him. I have no doubts about Angela’s feelings for Ghost, but is Ghost capable of that same selfless love? Fans of Power have been divided between #TeamTasha and #TeamAngela as to whom Ghost’s heart truly belongs. Creator and showrunner Courtney A. Kemp even addressed this question on Twitter recently: “I have always said that he loved both women for different reasons. But the truth is Ghost only loves himself.”

In tonight’s episode, we witness how Ghost’s obsession with Lobos and his affair with Angela has endangered those he claims to love. Angela, still reeling from her breakup with Ghost, is called in to work and asked to surrender her laptop and cell phone. The task force knows Lobos was murdered, and the cell phone found on his body pinged back to the cell tower on top of their building. All the agents are grilled mercilessly in order to find the mole hidden among them.

Meanwhile, Ghost and Tommy are busy dealing with their new business arrangement with Milan. When Ghost tells Milan he refuses to sell drugs in his nightclub, Milan calls over one of his henchmen and snaps his neck, just to show Tommy and Ghost he’s not in the mood for their shenanigans. This doesn’t deter Ghost from trying to outsmart his new boss, though. Ghost pulls Dre aside and tells him to make an anonymous call to the cops about Tatiana — the missing waitress from Ghost’s club — and pin it on Milan.


Motherhood duties prove to be equally challenging for Tasha when Tariq acts out and is disrespectful to her. She calls Ghost over to help deal with their troubled son. When Tariq refers to Angela as a “sidepiece,” Ghost loses his temper and grabs Tariq — and for the first time, Tariq sees his father for who he really is. Tariq runs off and when Ghost goes after him, he finds Milan sitting in his living room…with Tatiana! While Tasha shows Tatiana around their penthouse, Milan lets Ghost know that Dre’s call to the cops was futile, since Tatiana is very much alive. Milan warns Ghost not to cross him and reminds him how easily he can access Ghost’s family.

Finally, Angela keeps her wits about her and manages to convince her interrogators she is not the mole. But it is the wake-up call she needs to see how much is at stake, so she goes to visit Ghost and do some interrogating of her own. When Ghost refuses to divulge how he was able to track down Lobos, Angela issues a chilling response: “If I go down, we all go down.”

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