San Diego

Raccoons In Sticky Situation Rescued From Dumpster

Two raccoons found themselves in a sticky situation Wednesday when they couldn't climb out of a dumpster in Grantville. 

A resident passing by the recycling plant dumpster spotted the two terrified young raccoons peering out of the carton. Had they not been found, they would have been crushed. 

The resident called County Animal Services and Animal Control Officer Angela Jones used her rescue equipment to safely pull out the animals. 

β€œUsually wild animals like these tend to hide deep in the dumpster debris when people come around,” said County Animal Services Lieutenant Mitchell Levy in a statement. β€œLuckily, someone noticed before they were crushed.”

Because the twin raccoons were healthy, Jones released them back into the wild several blocks away near the San Diego River. Oftentimes if wild animals are found healthy and unharmed, officers will release them into the wild. 

If you ever spot a raccoon trapped in a dumpster or pit of some sort, one simple solution to try is to place a large piece of debris inside the dumpster to act as a ladder. 

You can also call County Animal Services at (619) 767-2675 and they will help or refer you to someone who can help nearby.

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