Awful Things

A Restaurant Killed a Customer by Serving Him Detergent Instead of Wine

Even a small amount of detergent is lethal.
Even a small amount of detergent is lethal. Photo: PASCAL PAVANI Pascal Pavani/AFP/Getty Images

Here’s something not to think about while sipping a cool summer Riesling: Tragedy struck a Spanish man and his family on Sunday after he ordered white wine, and the bar served him a glass full of colorless, odorless dish detergent by mistake. The local paper reports that he only took a sip, but that was enough to quickly cause “a great burning sensation.” Doctors say that the water he drank to relieve the burning made the corrosive effects worse, and he died a few hours later, after getting airlifted to a nearby hospital.

The mistake was reportedly the result of employee carelessness: A worker had stored the cleaner in a wine bottle, and that bottle inadvertently ended up back in the fridge, where it looked and smelled like all the others. The bar, called Raconet, has been shut down, and police have arrested the owner, who might end up facing charges of manslaughter.

[Daily Mail UK]

A Restaurant Killed a Customer by Serving Him Detergent Instead of Wine