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‘Trump’s fault.’
‘Trump’s fault.’ Photograph: Getty Images
‘Trump’s fault.’ Photograph: Getty Images

The week in patriarchy: I'm sick. I'll blame that on Donald Trump

This article is more than 7 years old
Jessica Valenti

Mike Pence got America debating whether it’s OK to dine alone with a woman – but don’t let sexism distract you from some rare good news

Donald Trump makes me sick. Not literally, of course. I’m under the weather this week. For now, enjoy a slimmed-down version of the newsletter. I’ll be back next week.

Glass half full

Some rare good news this week: the anti-choice activists who made deceptively edited videos about Planned Parenthood have been charged with 15 felonies in California.

What I’m RTing

Ivanka Trump wants to be the new face of working women, but her policies will probably wind up hurting them

— Bryce Covert (@brycecovert) March 31, 2017

.@VP Pence is 1st @VP ever to break a tie to undermine women's access to care.

Call now to stop this: #HandsOffMyBC

— Planned Parenthood (@PPact) March 30, 2017

I spoke with @MaxineWaters recently. Forget what that asshole said about her, and listen to what she had to say.

— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) March 28, 2017

Who I’m reading

Morgan Jenkins at the New York Times on “How America Fails Black Girls” and Rebecca Solnit’s new book, The Mother of All Questions.

What I’m writing

It’s 2017, and somehow conservatives have Americans debating whether it’s appropriate to dine alone with a woman. Mike Pence’s rule is insulting for men and limiting for women. But let’s not let his sexism distract us from his whole party’s sexist agenda.

How I’m making it through this week

The little girl who thinks a broken water heater is a robot is all the medicine I need.

Sign up for The week in patriarchy, Jessica Valenti’s weekly email newsletter, which tracks what’s happening in the world of feminism and sexism, from politics to pop culture.

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