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Zac Goldsmith
‘Zac Goldsmith is vulnerable on Brexit as he is out of step with his constituents, 69% of whom voted to stay in the European Union.’ Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
‘Zac Goldsmith is vulnerable on Brexit as he is out of step with his constituents, 69% of whom voted to stay in the European Union.’ Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

The Richmond Park byelection is a golden opportunity to fight Brexit

This article is more than 8 years old
Hugo Dixon
If opposition parties choose a common pro-European candidate to fight Zac Goldsmith it will send a powerful message. They might even win

The Richmond Park byelection in west London, triggered by Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith’s resignation on Tuesday, is a golden opportunity to fight a destructive Brexit. It could also road-test a new way for parties to work together in the national interest.

Already three Labour MPs – Clive Lewis, Jonathan Reynolds and Lisa Nandy – are saying the party should not contest the seat.

But the real way to revitalise our democracy would be for the Liberal Democrats, Labour and the Greens to agree to back a common candidate – chosen through a primary in which all pro-Europeans living in the constituency can vote – to fight the Brexiter Goldsmith. If they club together, they will stand a much better chance of winning than if they put up rival candidates who then split the vote.

It might seem that Goldsmith, who has resigned in protest at the government’s decision to back a new runway at Heathrow and will stand again as an independent candidate, is impregnable. After all, he got 58% of the vote in the last election. The Lib Dems were a distant second with 19%, followed by Labour on 12% and the Greens on 6%. What’s more, opposing Heathrow expansion is popular in the constituency.

However, Goldsmith is vulnerable on Brexit, as he is out of step with his constituents, 69% of whom voted to stay in the European Union. He is also vulnerable because he ran a campaign with racist overtones against Sadiq Khan for mayor of London.

What’s more, Goldsmith’s lead was much smaller in 2010, before the Lib Dems’ support plummeted after they went into coalition with the Tories. Then he secured 50% of the vote, defeating the sitting Lib Dem MP Susan Kramer, who got 43%. And Heathrow doesn’t have to be the only issue in this election – as a pro-European unity candidate would presumably oppose its expansion too.

Given all this, the Lib Dems are pumped up. They see the byelection as a chance to revive their fortunes and seem determined to fight Goldsmith solo.

But they should think again. It will be hard to win this seat if the pro-Europeans are divided among themselves – just as it was in the Witney byelection where the Lib Dems came an honourable second. Chalking up second places isn’t good enough. Pro-Europeans need to start winning.

Sadly, despite the calls from Lewis, Reynolds and Nandy, Labour probably won’t play ball and join forces with the Lib Dems, although Khan might be interested in dealing a second blow to Goldsmith and could perhaps persuade the party not to fight the seat too hard. Even an alliance between just the Lib Dems and the Greens might do the trick.

The parties should choose their common candidate via a primary. Although such a process is unusual in Britain, it is not without precedent, as the Tories used one to pick Sarah Wollaston as their candidate in Totnes in 2009. More than 16,000 people voted.

A similar display of democracy in Richmond Park would electrify the campaign. Those who voted in the primary would form a grassroots army that would campaign door to door in the byelection. They would also be a source of funds.

Meanwhile, a primary would generate intense media interest and energise pro-European activists around the country. Many of these, too, would flock to Richmond Park to campaign.

A single pro-European candidate would, therefore, secure more votes than the Lib Dems and the Greens together, let alone the Lib Dems on their own. Many pro-European Tories and Labour voters – as well as people not attached to any political party – would back the chosen champion.

Forming such a coalition in Richmond Park would also be the first concrete step towards creating a so-called progressive alliance, under which centre and left-of-centre parties could work together in electoral contests. This will be particularly important if Theresa May calls a snap election next year. At present, the prime minister would probably win a huge majority even if she were determined to push through a destructive Brexit that tanks the economy, undermines the union with Scotland, threatens people’s rights and harms our influence in the world.

CommonGround, which I helped found after the EU referendum, and Scientists for EU are promoting the idea. We have spoken to local pro-European activists in Richmond and Kingston, part of which is in Goldsmith’s constituency. They are keen. The Greens are also interested. We want other pro-European groups to join our call.

The real challenge will be to persuade the Lib Dems to overcome their tribalism. They should focus on the main prize: increasing the chances of victory in Richmond Park; sending a powerful message to May that the people don’t want a destructive Brexit; and preparing the way for future electoral pacts that will enhance their power. What’s more, given that the Lib Dems have deep roots in the constituency, their candidate would be the favourite to win the primary. Since the referendum, thousands of people have become members of the party. If the Lib Dems now throw away the best chance to win in Richmond Park, many of these new recruits will be deeply disappointed.

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