We all know the orgasm gap is real IRL. It isn't just the gender pay gap where women are getting screwed (no pun intended) over, oh no. It's happening in the bedroom too - with women having significantly less orgasms than men. What a time to be alive eh?

It turns out though, it's not just women having sex in private that are being shafted by this pesky gap. New research shows female adult actors are also not coming as much as men and literally of course that's the case.

SHOCKING new survey reveals they women actually like sex toopinterest

Researchers from University of Quebec analysed Pornhub's 50 most watched videos of all time. They were looking to determine how often men and women are climaxing. According to Mail Online, scientists discovered that women were only having real orgasms 18% of the time. This meant that the remaining 82% of the time they were faking.

Compare this, if you can without going full Red Ross, with the fact that the dudes were having orgasms 78% of the time. ERGH, THE INJUSTICE!

Not only is this totally unfair and frankly, major BS, but it could have a pretty detrimental effect on those who regularly watch porn. "As a result, representations of male and female orgasm in mainstream pornography may serve to perpetuate unrealistic beliefs and expectations in relation to female orgasm and male sexual performance," the researchers told the Mail Online.

So far, so obvious really. But this is just further proof that the majority of mainstream porn is just not representative of real life sex.

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